1.) Purge your fridge and cabinets! I don't like to waste food and groceries are way to high to just throw out! I knew in my mind I wanted to start this so a few weeks before I used up a lot of stuff that I knew I didn't want to have on hand anymore like prepackaged mac and cheese, or plain flour tortillas. I took out all the sugary cereals and random little treats and brought them to work to give away. If I couldn't use it then I gave it away.
2.) Grocery shop with a plan! I make a ton of lists all the time but I still always forget things. (I have a different post coming up soon about the grocery store, stay tuned!) If you can meal plan then thats going to help you a ton! Ryan and I have opposite schedules except 1 day a week. So I only have to worry about cooking a few times a week. So I don't really do a strict meal plan.
3.) Watch out for so called healthy snacks!! Fiber one bars, granola bars, 100 calorie snack packs... those are all wonderful but really check out the labels. Sure its 100 calories of your fave cookie but thats 100 calories that isn't really helping you. Some different snack bars and protein bars have A LOT of sugar so eat them in moderation... I'm no expert by no means but just because its low calorie but has 20918495792 grams of sugar... I mean come on... lol
4.) Watch your condiments. I've been reading and studying a lot and most condiments fat free or not can really ruin your healthy meals. I LOVE ketchup but I've definately cut back on it a ton! One way I cut down on it is I don't eat french fries anymore unless its cheat day. But I also like baked chicken and dipping it in ketchup, that might sound gross but its good! I've been cutting that out as well little things like that can add a lot of calories, sugars and fats that really just aren't worth it in the end. Salad dressing can destroy you! If you can stand it try not to go over a couple tablespoons full on your salad. Which unknown is tough! Scaling back on things like that are still difficult for me but Salad alone is good for you but if you smother it and then some with your fave dressing then thats kind of the same thing as taking a lean piece of chicken which is good for you and then deep frying... bad for you. See what i'm saying.... condiments can be sneaky!
5.) Keep record of your progress! I have a journal and every week I record my weight and my measurements. Some weeks I do good and I make it out to be a food journal as well and track everything I eat each day.
6.) Get a partner!! Find people that will encourage you and want to do this with you! I have different friends that come over and exercise with me and such and it just helps to know that people are working toward the same goals. It's also and incredible way to hold accountability. If one of them calls or texts and tell you about there good food choice or new exercise and you've been having a bad day and just wanted to eat chocolate donuts and not move one muscle unnecessarily then for me anyways that encourages me and inspires me to get up and so something!
7.) Make goals! I have ultimate goals I want to get to but I know that they are going to take time. So make smaller goals. Like... i'm going to lose 5lbs this month, or by summer i'll be able to run 2 miles, or i'm going to cut out red meat from my diet for 2 weeks. Just small goals that lets you know what your accomplishing.
8.) Have a cheat meal. If your day in and day out cramming apples and carrots in and nothing that you really like then your more likely to get discouraged and bored. Once a week go out or cook or whatever you want, enjoy yourself!
9.) Figure out what you like to do. I love walking and hiking, 5-0 Hubby ehh... not so much. I thought I would LOVE yoga but I don't. Its just a little to slow paced for me at this point. I love to do zumba!! Its so fun! I also like work outs like the 30 Day Shred. Its quick and covers everything but it hurts! It gets results. I'm not really able to get to gym but that is a goal for later! I don't know if I will particularly like to deal with weights or not but i'm going to start! I've noticed other people and the difference that weights made was amazzzzzing! So just find things you like to do and have fun!
10.) Stay focused! Just in what short time I've been doing this I've learned that my focus can get jumbled pretty bad. I have days where i'm like... WHATEVER i'm quitting this junk and being lazy! And then i'll snap out of it and keep on keeping on lol. I'm a positive person by nature so that part comes easy to me but patience does not. I may not be 130lbs now but I will be someday if I keep working! It wont always be this hard and soon enough i'll be that chick that exercises because she wants to! Thats my goal!
People we so can do this! It's going to take time! I'm 7 weeks in and I feel like I just started and I already have so much behind me! Hang in there!!
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