I'm one of those odd people who actually love going to the Grocery store. It makes me sad to hear people tell about their hatred of going. This past trip was hurtful though. I spent sooooooo much money. I tried to buy up a lot of my "staple" foods and plus Ryan decided he wants to start eating healthier as well. We both have hectic schedules that are usually opposite of one another so I rarely buy many groceries. I usually just pick up some snacks and MAYBE once a week we would cook a meal that both of us get to sit at the same time and eat. So my grocery bill was never very high but with that means we have been eating out a lot. So that has definately had to change. So I made sure I bought PLENTY of different things to keep our meals and snacks switched up. Plus I have a huge goal of getting creative with some of my ingredients so that nothing gets wasted. I hate when I have to pretty much just throw my money in the garbage! Here are some of my favorites and some newbies!
I bought a bag of natural almonds, pistachios, and vanilla blueberry granola clusters. Ryan went through each bag and seperated them all out in to snack size bags so everything is a serving size and really quick to just grab and go! Wheat thins are my fave and I love the sandwich slims sometimes i'm just over wheat bread.
I've never bought coconut oil before and i'm still a little confused on what to do with it. I cook with extra virgin olive oil or just use some canola oil spray so I might just use the coconut oil for my hair... lol I love honey peanut butter! Of course brown rice I usually always cook a little bit extra and just keep it in the fridge that way its done and I can just throw it into whatever fast lunch or dinner i'm making. I'm just now starting out with whey protein... I made a smoothie with it and it was actually pretty good.
If your going to have pasta go with whole grain! Quinoa is a wonderful food to have on hand. Its still sort of strange to me but its super healthy! I got some Special K hot cereal cups for monings I don't have time to make break fast.
Of course fresh fruit, I also have bags of frozen fruit. I love cheese and all though I could just buy a block and cut it up into little pieces like these cow pals I just prefer to buy them.
Protein bars for on the go... Almond milk is the bomb... and some people are different about canned food but I myself love them. Keep diced tomatoes and crushed tomatoes on hand and you can make really yummy homemade sauces that are really easy and quick and much healthier! I keep a lot of canned corn, green beans, beans of all sorts, and Rotel. Easy to make recipes with all of those!
My new thing is Chia seeds. I've been putting them in everything. They are so healthy!! You cant taste them they're wonderful way to sneak extra goodness into your diet!
I also keep veggies stocked in the fridge, sliced and diced onion, carrots, celery, tomatoes, etc. I keep bags of frozen broccoli and cauliflower. Turkey lunch meat and chicken breast and I like turkey smoked sausage. So with all of this there is plenty of variety! Just have to switch a few things out.
Lucky for me Ryan will eat whatever healthy things I cook and if he wants some type of snack he will just go get it. So I don't have to keep snacks that are bad for me in the house. BUT if you have to keep things for your spouse or kids it really helps if you meal plan and meal prep. So that when they're snacking and you want to as well just go grab something you have ready. Its time consuming to an extent but it gets better! Hope this helps!